Nutrition Services
Jordan Chen, MS, RD, LD, is a registered dietitian who provides nutritional guidance for:
Weight loss/obesity
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Cardiovascular disease
Renal disease
And many other nutrition-related issues
Refer a Patient
A referral by a primary care provider is required. If you are a Manhattan Medical Group Primary Care patient, ask your physician for a referral.
We accept all types of insurance, but coverage is based on medical conditions.
A Heart Healthy Diet
A heart healthy diet has many components:
Portion Control: Learning to read and understand food labels, including serving size, can help you understand how many portions you are consuming. Measuring out food based on serving size instead of eyeballing it will give you a better understanding of the nutrition facts.
Cutting Back on Sugar: Cut out soda and juice in favor of water and sugar-free drinks. Look for added sugar in your foods with ingredients such as brown sugar, syrup, honey, molasses, sucrose, etc.
Smart Snacking: Keep tempting foods out of the house. Replace them with healthy snacks such as baby carrots, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, unsalted nuts and cut fruit. Avoid eating or snacking for reasons other than hunger.
Cooking Tips: Bake, broil, grill or steam your food instead of frying. Choose herbs and sodium-free seasonings instead of salt. Avoid pre-packaged or canned foods in favor of fresh foods.
Setting SMART Goals
When making lifestyle changes for weight loss or to improve a chronic condition, setting SMART nutritional goals can help make the transition easier.
SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
Be specific about your goal: What is your target blood pressure? How much weight do you want to lose?
The goal should be measurable: Measurement gives you specific feedback and holds you accountable.
Push yourself within reason: Your goal should take effort to reach, but also still be achievable.
Set a realistic goal: Make sure the goal is reasonable based on the amount of effort you plan to put in and the timeline you've set.
Set a timeline: A time frame helps keep the goal measurable and attainable.